Packed Tightly With Love

Packed Tightly With Love

By Allison Bobzien | August 16, 2024

I used to travel light, A backpack slung over my shoulder, A brush, spare clothes, hopefully a toothbrush. The shoes on my feet—worn and dusty as they were, Would suffice for all occasions.  Now I grimace as I wedge yet another pair of socks Into the increasingly stuffed bag. Our trips require spreadsheets, checklists, safety…

A Prayer for the Mental Load

A Prayer for the Mental Load

By Pam Gilbert | August 14, 2024

Come ever-present God and be with me. You alone know and understand all that is before me. Come help me trust in you.  Slow my pace to see you; quicken my senses to hear you. Guide my steps to follow you and your ways; let there be a cadence of grace with me.  I need…

a prayer for the village of mothers

A Prayer For The Mothers

By Megan Hogg | August 9, 2024

A Prayer For The Mothers Who show up to the playground Armed with pretzels and patience Ready for whatever the day brings Unafraid of tantrums or tears Who gently rub sunscreen Onto their children and yours Calling, “Stay where I can see you!” As you sit nursing the baby Who offer an extra diaper When…

blessing for writers

A Blessing for When You Find Space to Write

By Lauren Nizol | June 20, 2024

Bless you for noticing. Noticing the small space in your day to write and create. This opening that’s barely noticeable in your hurried day is here. So what do you do? Bless you for the messy scribbles on the backs of receipts, half-used post-its, and old grocery lists. Bless you for the voice memo— the…

vacation bible school prayer

A Prayer for Vacation Bible School

By Laura Kelly Fanucci | June 14, 2024

A Prayer for Vacation Bible School or Summer Camp God of delight, Bless our week together, our playing, singing, learning, and creating together. Open our ears to hear your word. Open our eyes to see the needs of our world. Open our hearts to serve with love. May we grow in love for you and…

Litany for a Mother with Intrusive Thoughts

Litany for a Mother with Intrusive Thoughts

By Christina Snyder | June 13, 2024

O Infinite Father, you hold together all things by your word. You are creator of all the living and uphold them in your hand. By your very breath you sustain; You carry humanity. It is a holy and heavy task you have granted me— to care for and raise your littlest and most vulnerable ones, my…

A Blessing to Lighten Your Load

A Blessing to Lighten Your Load

By Lauren Nizol | June 6, 2024

“I will help you,’ says the Lord. You shall winnow [my fears] And the wind shall carry them away.” – Isaiah 41:14,16 Bless you. Bless your list too long to remember, to complete, to carry this day. Everyone around you keeps telling you to slow down and breathe. And what if you actually did? May…

Blessings for Hand-Me-Downs

Blessings for Hand-Me-Downs

By Laura Kelly Fanucci | May 30, 2024

For Giving God of abundance, of life and growth— How did these wee ones get so big? How are their once-new clothes Already short or tight or small? As I wash and fold these favorites One last time, Ready to pass on To a new family, I give thanks for all the life Lived in these…

Breastfeeding Struggles

A Prayer for Breastfeeding Struggles

By Laura Kelly Fanucci | May 2, 2024

God, this was supposed to be easy But it’s beyond hard. Everything hurts. We’re both weeping, this baby and me. We’ve tried everything, asked for help, begged and hoped and prayed. But each day gets harder, and my worries grow bigger. Help me to put us both in Your loving hands, To trust that You…

A Prayer for the Mental Load of Motherhood

A Prayer for the Mental Load of Motherhood

By Michelle Stiffler | April 26, 2024

God—Perfect Parent, I carry my children—body, mind, heart, emotion, and mind. I carry the privilege of loving them well. I carry the burden of leading them well. When the mental load is tremendous, keep me from trembling. When the fears are many, calm my body systems. When the confusion is heavy, illuminate the next step.…

A Prayer for the Mess of Motherhood

A Prayer for the Mess of Motherhood

By Allison Bobzien | April 11, 2024

Creator God, Who gave life to dear ones, Who knows the deep pride and frustration that commingle in the heart of a parent, Who breathed life into dust, Who feels the sting of disappointment in your children. Pour out grace on my family. Grant me perspective to see the world from two feet high, From…

Easter Prayer

Easter Prayer

By Kimberly Knowle-Zeller | April 3, 2024

Spring seems especially brilliant this year, as does Easter’s promise of resurrection. Perhaps, though, I’m attuned to it differently. More alert. More awake. More present. Or maybe the darkness, death, violence, and grief has been much too prevalent. In the bright purples, the wild flowers dotting the grass, a chorus of birds, a flowing stream,…