Still, Slow, Stoke, Save My Anger
Still my anger, Lord
over milk spilled
toothpaste wasted
urine everywhere but the toilet
Slow my anger, Lord
when I am constantly interrupted
my plans are thwarted
my children misbehave
and I feel embarrassed
when I go
without sleep
without food
without a moment of quiet
Stoke my anger, Lord
when children go without
food, safety, shelter, love
when children are
overlooked, mistreated, rejected
Save my anger, Lord
for what matters most
flipping tables to right wrongs
fighting for children everywhere
instead of with my children
Still, Slow, Stoke, Save. Amen.
Copyright © 2024 Bridget Carey.
This week’s sponsor of Mothering Spirit is Be A Heart Design, a modern Christian lifestyle brand that creates beautiful products to help both adults and children grow in faith. Check out their Easter basket bundles and other beautiful items in their Easter Shop!