Our goal is to help parents pray through parenting.
Mothering Spirit is a place for parents.
We’re creating a collaborative gathering place to reflect on parenting and spirituality. Each week we’ll share an essay, a prayer, and a round-up of resources related to a particular topic.
As an alternative (and antidote) to our current culture of distraction and division online, we hope to dive into deep conversations and prayer around topics that touch our lives, staying with the same themes all week.
We won’t shy away from the hard subjects or the challenging times that we’re living through as parents, but we’ll trust that God can show us a way forward in faith.
Lifting up the words and work of women, we are focusing on the experience of motherhood. But we hope all who care for children will find themselves welcomed in the prayers and stories we offer. We want to be the place where parents turn for prayer, encouragement, and community as they seek God in their own stories.
We believe motherhood can be tough and tender and transformative—and more powerful when we share it together.
Mothering Spirit is a place of faith.
We’re convinced that God is found in hidden holy places: the hard moments, the uncertain seasons, the ordinary work, and the overlooked joys. While many of us were raised to find God at church, fewer of us learned how to seek God at home or work or school—so it can be hard to glimpse God in the midst of our complex, complicated lives.
Drawing from the liturgical seasons that shape the church year, we hope to create connections and community between Christians of different traditions and denominations, gathering around all we share as parents: our joys, struggles, hopes, and questions of faith.
Ultimately we hope to help our churches develop a deeper spirituality of parenting, providing resources for parents (and ministers who work with families) to find God in our shared call to care for children.
Mothering Spirit is a place for readers – and writers.
We’re building a creative collaborative space for new and emerging writers to share their words and work. In particular, we want to lift up the voices of women of color whose stories have not always been told in all churches and communities. By widening the circle to hear more of God at work in our lives, we hope to learn from each other, discovering new connections and possibilities for deepening our faith.
What’s more, we are committed to paying writers for their work. Grounded in the justice of the Gospel, we are dedicated to supporting artists with just wages and growing opportunities for more writers to support themselves and their families by their labor. We’re grateful for the generous support of patrons and sponsors who will help us increase and expand what we can offer to readers and writers.