Home and Hope: Your Turn

By Laura Kelly Fanucci | September 16, 2022

This Week on Mothering Spirit Sarah’s essay challenged us to reexamine our understanding of home.Kimberly’s prayer (in both English and Spanish) invited us to find God right where we are, within the simple joys of family life. Resources to keep reflecting A prayer for migrants and refugees.For more essays from Sarah Bahiraei, read El-Roi at the Airport and May We…


Time, transitions, and beginnings: your turn

By Laura Kelly Fanucci | September 9, 2022

This week on Mothering Spirit Vanesa’s essay invited us to reflect on the shifting experience of time through pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. Kayla’s prayer helped us to bless the beginnings and transitions in our callings as parents. Resources to keep reflecting For prayer during pregnancy, check out our e-books of Prayers for Pregnancy and Prayers for Birth. Exciting news: we’ve got…


The Extraordinary Ordinary Time: A brand-new e-book

By Laura Kelly Fanucci | July 19, 2022

Our 1st e-book is now available from Mothering Spirit! The Extraordinary Ordinary Time is a new collection from Laura Kelly Fanucci, the founder of Mothering Spirit, and includes: original essays on the spirituality of this holy season  brand-new prayers for Ordinary Time best-loved poems that invite fresh reflection creative ways to pray through the longest…


How To Holy Week: A Guide For Where You Are

By Laura Kelly Fanucci | April 17, 2019

Holy Week—from Palm Sunday through Easter Sunday—is the most sacred week of the Christian year. Whether you’ve always celebrated Holy Week or you are new to these liturgical feasts, we invite you to enter into the beauty of this week however you can. If you’re expecting: Labor’s Stages: A Triduum. If you have a new…

pregnancy after loss

the spiritual side of pregnancy after loss

By Laura Kelly Fanucci | March 28, 2017

Pregnancy after the loss of a baby – following miscarriage, stillbirth, or infant death – is a daunting prospect.  From a distance I used to think “trying again” or “having another baby” must be a happy, hopeful, healing part of parenthood. (File this away under “Things I Didn’t Really Understand Until They Happened to Me.”)…


how to pray lectio divina with kids

By Laura Kelly Fanucci | October 13, 2015

Want to pray lectio divina with your kids? I had never heard of lectio divina until I started graduate theological studies. Thankfully I was blessed to study with the Benedictines, who are steeped in this prayer practice (which St. Benedict wrote about in his Rule dating back to 500 AD). So I learned from wise sisters and brothers how…


eat, pray, light, bless: celebrate a baptism anniversary

By Laura Kelly Fanucci | July 23, 2015

Our sweet babe just celebrated his first baptism anniversary. One trip around the sun, one whole year a Christian. It’s a big milestone in our family. I’ve written about baptism anniversaries here and here, too. But I always find that these days sneak under the radar, despite circling the dates on the calendar and trying…


Morning Prayer Matters: Easy Ways to Start Your Day

By Laura Kelly Fanucci | February 12, 2015

Here are 4 simple ways to start the day with God as a parent: A prayer from childhood Growing up a mile from our small-town Catholic school, we always had just enough time on the drive each morning for my mom to make us pray (ok, sometimes to a chorus of groans) her classic, quick…


spiritual practices with newborns: a new series

By Laura Kelly Fanucci | June 9, 2014

Here we go again! Settling into Newborn Land… It’s a strange place to live. Everyone keeps odd hours. Crying is common. Spit-up and strange smells are expected. Nothing is ever clean. But it’s a sweet place to stay, too. Newborn neck nuzzles and curled froggy legs. Milky breath and fuzzy fine hair. Sleepy smiles and…