Home and Hope: Your Turn

This Week on Mothering Spirit
Sarah’s essay challenged us to reexamine our understanding of home.
Kimberly’s prayer (in both English and Spanish) invited us to find God right where we are, within the simple joys of family life.
Resources to keep reflecting
A prayer for migrants and refugees.
For more essays from Sarah Bahiraei, read El-Roi at the Airport and May We All Be Snack Bringers.
This couple wrote Scripture onto the framework of their new home. What would you choose for your family’s foundation?
Sept. 16th is National Stepfamily Day in the U.S. For theological reflection on what stepparenting teaches us about family, check out Stepmother: Redeeming a Disdained Vocation by Dorothy C. Bass.
When home changes: Discovering God’s Calling in an Empty Nest Family from Vibrant Faith.
Thanks to our sponsors
This week’s sponsor of Mothering Spirit is Be A Heart, a modern Christian lifestyle brand that creates beautiful products for everyday life to remind you of God’s presence in the little moments. Check out their latest offering to help families pray at home: the Holy Land Playmat.
Mothering Spirit readers get 15% off site-wide at Be A Heart with code motheringspirit.

This week’s question for readers
How has parenting changed what home means for you?
Share your thoughts below – or if you’ve got a longer story to share, email it to us at newsletter@motheringspirit.com for possible inclusion in a future newsletter (400 words max). Please note that newsletter submissions may be edited for length and clarity.
This post contains affiliate links. Photo by Pedro Miguel Aires on Unsplash.