Your Joy Remains

At a local laundromat, I realized something.

My mind is constantly racing.
There’s not a moment when I don’t have thoughts running through my mind.
More often than not, those thoughts are negative. More than I would like.

But today I caught myself thinking and feeling something new.

I have found joy here.

Here, in the ordinary piles of laundry,
in the small one bedroom of Bensonhurst Brooklyn,
in the rooms that echo with the cries, the laughter,
the disagreements, the frustrations,
the dancing and singing of my sweet little family of four.

Here, in the ebb and flow of this new season God has invited me into.
Here, in the constant giving, learning and unlearning.

Thank you, Lord, for joy.

Your joy remains.

My worries come and go. They might come more often than I’d like, but they do go.

But your joy remains.

The voice of God is a voice of peace.

Help me to remember your joy and your peace.


En una lavandería local, me di cuenta de algo.

Mi mente está constantemente dando vueltas.
No hay un momento en el que no tenga pensamientos corriendo por mi mente.
La mayoría de las veces, esos pensamientos son negativos. Más de lo que me gustaría.

Pero hoy me sorprendí pensando y sintiendo algo nuevo.

He encontrado alegría aquí.

Aquí, en el montón de ropa sucia,
en el pequeño apartamento de una habitación de Bensonhurst Brooklyn,
en las habitaciones que resuenan con los gritos, las risas,
los desacuerdos, las frustraciones,
el baile y el canto de mi dulce pequeña familia de cuatro.

Aquí, en el flujo y reflujo de esta nueva temporada a la que Dios me ha invitado. Aquí, en el constante dar, aprender y desaprender.

Gracias, Señor, por esa alegría.

Tu alegría que permanece.

Mis preocupaciones van y vienen. Puede que vengan más a menudo de lo que me gustaría, pero se van.

Pero tu alegría permanece.

La voz de Dios es una voz de paz.

Ayúdame a recordar siempre, tu alegría y tu paz.


Copyright © 2022 Kimberly Iglesia.

Kimberly Iglesia is a wife, mother, and student who resides in Brooklyn, New York. Through her writing she hopes to inspire the heart of every catholic and non-catholic to draw close to Jesus. She is a psychology major who one day hopes to offer counseling to all Christians struggling with mental health issues. She enjoys spending time in nature, drinking coffee, and encouraging others to wellness of mind, body, and soul.

Photo by the blowup on Unsplash.

Kimberly Iglesia is a wife, mother, and student who resides in Brooklyn, New York. Through her writing she hopes to inspire the heart of every catholic and non-catholic to draw close to Jesus. She is a psychology major who one day hopes to offer counseling to all Christians struggling with mental health issues. She enjoys spending time in nature, drinking coffee, and encouraging others to wellness of mind, body, and soul.

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