Ashley Holston

Ashley Holston was born and raised in Northern Virginia, and she now resides in Maryland with her college sweetheart husband, as well as their 4 kids—2 boys, 2 girls, and a tiebreaker baby on the way! She is a homeschooling mama who, when not teaching or shuttling kids to activities, loves to read, write, spend time with family and friends, and participate in the life of her local church. You can follow Ashley’s musings on faith, motherhood, and everyday living on her blog, on the way home, as well as on her Instagram page, @ashleydholston.

Recent Posts

pregnancy after loss

Why Taking Prenatal Vitamins is an Act of Faith

By Ashley Holston / November 8, 2023

Because you’ve been down this road before, when the line turned more and more pink, leaving you without a shadow of a doubt: you’re pregnant. Because you’re struck by the wildness of it all — nearly a year since the miscarriage. . . and this?? Because you’d finally settled into contentment, not the restless back…

motherhood is a prayer

Motherhood is a Prayer Breathed Out

By Ashley Holston / September 6, 2023

Something I believe. . .⁣ ⁣Motherhood is⁣ Weighty and wonderful,⁣ Sometimes monotonous and boring,⁣ But also exciting and spontaneous,⁣ While being grievous and frustrating. ⁣It’s both stretching and structured,⁣ Straightforward and confusing,⁣ Tiresome and energizing,⁣ Painful and healing,⁣ Draining and lifegiving,⁣ Hopeful and despairing.⁣ // It’s playing⁣ the long game⁣ Though your finish line will…

God's provision in changing seasons

The Days Ahead: A Reminder for the Changing of Seasons

By Ashley Holston / May 17, 2023

I have tasted and seen that the Lord is good.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣So when I see a trial⁣⁣ an unexpected struggle⁣⁣ an unfamiliar season⁣⁣ a potentially hard thing⁣⁣ anything new⁣⁣ anything I’m not used to⁣⁣ ⁣⁣headed my way⁣⁣ and uncomfortably close,⁣⁣ ⁣⁣when I see it and become⁣⁣ tempted⁣⁣ to hoard manna⁣⁣ ⁣⁣I remember:⁣⁣ ⁣⁣The Bread of life…