Sarah White

Sarah White is a wife and momma to two toddlers and a little one due this holiday season! She loves to write about the holiness in food, the call of motherhood in her life, and how good (and hard) it is to take your little children to mass. When she’s not eating bread these days, she’s baking it. And truly wouldn’t have it any other way! You can catch Sarah’s face over on YouTube with Catholic Match videos and on her Instagram: @millennialfiat.

Recent Posts

a mother's litany

A Litany for Mothers

By Sarah White / October 25, 2023

From the belief that I am alone in my motherhood, deliver me Jesus. From the belief that my productivity lies within a completed checklist, deliver me Jesus. From the idol of business, deliver me Jesus. From the belief that my husband and I are the same, deliver me Jesus. From the self hate about all…