Stephanie Cherpak Clary

Stephanie Clary is the environment editor at EarthBeat, a project of the National Catholic Reporter that shares stories about the climate crisis, faith and action. In 2021, she co-led the communication track at Creighton University's "Laudato Si' and the U.S. Catholic Church" conference while working as the digital editor at U.S. Catholic magazine. Prior to her roles in national Catholic journalism, Clary helped coordinate the implementation of Laudato Si' in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Burlington, Vermont, including the state-wide diocese's "Year of Creation" programming and the "Action for Ecological Justice" conference at Saint Michael's College in 2017. In 2019, she served on the board of Vermont Interfaith Power & Light. Her writing appears in various publications, including Vermont Catholic magazine, Millennial Journal, Catholic News Service, U.S. Catholic magazine, National Catholic Reporter, and the Journal of Religion and Film. She has given talks and presentations on the church and creation care to Catholic, ecumenical and interfaith groups, including the 2022 commencement speech at College of Saint Mary's in Omaha, Nebraska. Clary holds bachelor's degrees in communication studies and religious studies from Saint Mary's College in Notre Dame, Indiana, and a master's degree in systematic theology from Catholic Theological Union in Chicago, where her research focused on ecofeminist theology and film. She lives in the suburbs of Chicago with her family.

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Am I Doing This Right? Crosses, Questions, and Awe in Creation

By Stephanie Cherpak Clary / April 15, 2024

“What’s that?” my 5-year-old asks, pointing to a ceramic cross above the bedroom door at my parents’ house as I lie down next to him to help him fall asleep. “It’s a cross,” I reply matter-of-factly, with a pang of guilt that I apparently haven’t done a good enough job at catechizing my child for…