Rachel Barga Simpson

Rachel Barga Simpson hails from small-town Ohio and currently lives in Nashville with her husband and three children. She is taking a break from pediatric speech-language pathology to raise her kids, keeping her mind and heart alive by writing in the meantime. She shares poetry on Instagram @fromtheredshed and essays at www.pardontheexpression.blogspot.com. If you’re a mother reading this (whether a mother in body or in spirit), she hopes you know how wonderfully remarkable you are.

Recent Posts

Caring God

What if God Called You Honey?

By Rachel Barga Simpson / October 4, 2023

What if God called you honey? Spoon-fed you chicken noodle, pressed a patchwork quilt across your lap before you thought to ask? Brimmed with proud tears when you got out of bed, sobbed like an earthquake when you couldn’t? Overlooked the stars, the wild flowered fields because He couldn’t stop beholding the birth shaking miracle…