Julie Walsh

Julie Varner Walsh’s life has always centered around politics and her Catholic faith, and that has made for some strange combinations. Raised in a staunchly Republican family, Julie worked mostly with Democrats when she was a lobbyist for the Catholic Church on matters related to poverty, immigration, and health care. Today she finds herself politically homeless, but not politically aimless. Julie has found purpose in encouraging people to look beyond labels, to focus more on the moral implications of politics than the partisan horse race.

Julie writes on politics, faith, and family life on her Instagram account (@julievwalsh) and blog, called These Walls. She also has a podcast, called More Than Politics

Julie lives with her husband and five children in Maryland.

Recent Posts

holiday dinner

The Pull of the Holidays

By Julie Walsh / November 20, 2023

When I think about the upcoming holidays, my mind’s eye sees all the magazine-cover images: tables set for six or eight or twelve. They’re laid out with the good china, the crystal, the candlesticks, and table décor. They’re heaped with glistening turkeys, vegetables you’ve never heard of, and pies so beautiful they could be décor,…