Holy Family Prayer

Sometimes I ask St. Joseph to stand in the room
with a brother or
son or
I know
who is going through something hard,
or lonely,
or maybe even unspeakable.
I ask St. Joseph to place his calming, patient,
loving hand upon the person’s shoulder so that they may know he is
not alone.
Most mornings, I ask Mama Mary to wrap her mantle around
someone I know who is going through something
or lonely,
or maybe even unspeakable. I picture how comforting it could
feel to be wrapped in her loving embrace.
Every day I talk friend-to-friend with Jesus. I try to know him
and be known by him.
This is the gift of the Holy Family.
Available. Loving. Interested. Tender. Present.
They are not scandalized by my needs.
nor do they lord perfection over me,
They simply abide.
Modeling and mirroring for me
the power, beauty, and grace of
sacrificial love,
steadfast obedience,
radical trust,
Each in their own way.
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph,
Pray for me.
Pray for our family.
Pray for all families.
Help all families to know deep love, true peace, and
lasting hope.
Copyright © 2022 Alissa Molina
Alissa Molina is a writer, publisher, speaker and founder of From Here Media, a non-profit organization whose mission is to encourage the love of God, Neighbor and Self through print, online and in-person offerings. While her formal studies include a degree from the University of Texas at Austin in Education, she credits her vocation as a wife and mother, her decade of work in youth ministry, and her community advocacy as vitally important places of spiritual formation. Alissa has presented at DCYC, Theology on Tap, The Parable Retreat, and the FemCatholic Summit and has been featured on the Katie McGrady Show.