A Prayer for Autism

A Prayer for Autism

Creator God, Lover of diversity of all kinds, all made perfectly in your image. Remind me daily how perfectly we were made imperfectly. Help me. Help me ride the tides of my son’s moods. Help me savor the moments when his autism allows him to be as calm as the smallest waves, gently lapping over…

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Embracing the Spectrum: A Journey of Love and Neurodivergence

neurodivergence and motherhood

As I leaned over his crib, a tumult of emotions swirled within me as I attuned to the gentle cadence of his rising and falling chest. His soft, rhythmic newborn breaths and those distinct half-lidded eyes—a trait he still holds onto—whispered of dreams beyond my comprehension. My fingers gently cradled his petal-soft newborn hand, its…

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