Posts Tagged ‘grace’
Forgiving when you want to burn the world down
We live in a world that is based on relationships. Not many of us are called to live the life of a hermit, and that means that we interact with people on a daily basis. Most of those interactions are favorable and bring us nothing but joy and good feelings. Other interactions are more transactional…
Read MoreGrace and Generations: Your Turn
This Week on Mothering Spirit Kirby’s essay explored the impact of generational trauma on motherhood. Rakhi’s words beckoned us to pray for the grace to love deeper and wider, reaching out to all who need God’s justice and mercy. Resources to keep reflecting Native: Identity, Belonging, and Rediscovering God by Kaitlin Curtice, a Christian writer and…
Read MoreThis Is Why We Give Thanks
“One act of thanksgiving made when things go wrong is worth a thousand when things go well.” (St. John of Avila) My children’s favorite grace before meals is—(ducks and blushes from theological embarrassment)—the Johnny Appleseed song. Oh, the Lord’s been good to me / And so I thank the Lord For giving me / The things…
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