Posts Tagged ‘breath prayer’
A Prayer for a Mother’s Anger
Abba, It is so easy to give in to the tension creeping up my neck, the tightness in my throat, and the hurt I’ve burrowed down deep. But what is not right is to unleash this hurt, these emotions I need to rightfully process with YOU, on my tiny humans. You don’t give me more…
Read MoreA Prayer for Temper Tantrums
Frustrated with your three year-old? Fed up with your teenager? Certain stages of parenting are just plain hard. Here are three prayers for when your child (or you) is throwing an epic fit. And remember: Help me is a whole prayer, too. A short version: God, I am going to lose it. Help me not…
Read MoreThe Breath Prayer of Mothers
Inhale: their smoky tempers, all aflame, fiery and persistent in their desire Exhale: calm and firm, consistent boundaries Inhale: their sweaty anxieties, all wrapped up in things they don’t understand Exhale: a peaceful presence, unwavering even in your own misunderstanding Inhale: the taste of rebellion, their wild energy dancing away from you Exhale: grace, the…
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