A Prayer for a Messy Home

By Laura Kelly Fanucci | September 10, 2012

Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof… Christ, I’d be impressed if you made it past the driveway. Cracks lined with weeds. Untrimmed hedges. A half-mowed lawn. Plastic children’s toys abandoned to bleach in the sun in that tacky way I swore I’d never let happen in my yard. And if you did…


a prayer for wrangling children at church

By Laura Kelly Fanucci | May 20, 2012

God of infinite patience, Help me not to lose my mind at church today. When my toddler falls off the pew for the umpteenth time and howls at me, let me not say I told you so! but I love you. When the baby gets so fussy that no one within six pews can hear…