
Where I Saw Christ: Back Pew, Pink Coat

By Laura Kelly Fanucci | April 7, 2012

I glimpsed her at the back of a long line trailing down the aisle, shuffling forward in the slow side-to-side dance of people waiting their turn. She wore a bright fuchsia trench coat, hair coiffed in a cute side sweep. Behind her bobbed the heads of two bright-eyed daughters, brunettes like their mother. In her…

what it means to wash feet on Holy Thursday

The Footwashing

By Laura Kelly Fanucci | April 21, 2011

We are growing everyday in what it means to do the footwashing. A friend shared these words from Abbot John Klassen at Saint John’s Abbey, from a homily he gave on Holy Thursday a few years ago. Today these words came back to me as I thought about what we celebrate at the start of…