Rakhi McCormick
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God of new life, In this season of resurrection, help us to look for the little miracles. Shatter our disillusionment when the big miracles fail to materialize before us – Break through with your consolation when our Lazarus isn’t raised from the dead, Break through with Your mercy when our children aren’t healed, Break through…
READ MOREThis is my body, broken for you. This is my blood, shed for you. How many times had I heard these words at Mass, even though I had converted only in young adulthood? The passion narrative punched me in the gut every Palm Sunday with the retelling of Jesus’s suffering and death.1 The same crowds…
READ MOREHow long, O Lord? How are we to bear this pain Over and over and over Blood cries out from the ground Again and again and again Met once more with Empty words and violent fists Hearts of stone which fail to see To weep, to lament, to repent How long, O Lord We are…
READ MORELord, we invite you into the shadowlands of our hearts. Reveal to us the ways in which we continue to turn away from You. Release us from the shame of our betrayals and our perceived failures. Help us run toward Your mercy and repent of our sins. In these holy days, transform us and conform…
READ MORELord have mercy. It all feels so hopeless as we talk and talk and posture and debate and namecall and swipe and dehumanize for our own gain and nothing changes. No end in sight as children keep dying and families keep weeping and wailing and grieving… Lord have mercy on us all. Where are our…
READ MOREMay flowing waters quench the parched land. May tiny tendrils push through the once hardened ground and blossom. May the grip of gloom be loosened to make way for joy. May the smallest spark of light shatter the suffocating darkness. May the tombs be empty and the gardens full. And in the groaning and straining…
READ MOREI can still feel the waves of nausea that began to hit my stomach when I heard the news. My whole world was turning upside down, and I had no way to stop it. The voices in my head were swirling around like a plastic bag being blown by a cyclone. I was about to…
READ MOREGod Who is Love, When we are weary and empty and find it difficult to love Gently remind us we need not rely on our own power, that we cannot love the way we are called to love on our own strength. Renew us from our exhaustion. Fill us with Your Holy Spirit to overflow,…