A Blessing to Lighten Your Load

“I will help you,’ says the Lord.
You shall winnow [my fears]
And the wind shall carry them away.”
– Isaiah 41:14,16
Bless you.
Bless your list too long
to remember,
to complete,
to carry this day.
Everyone around you keeps telling you
to slow down and breathe.
And what if you actually did?
May you feel the sacredness
of letting the list
winnow and unwind.
May you feel the wind carry away
your fears of not being enough.
May you rest in a deep peace that
all that you do,
all that you manage,
all whom you love,
call you to be you,
and God to be God.
Bless you to see the signs of life
around you in the golden light:
the tiny fingerprints on the window,
the bags unpacked from the days before,
the stack of overdue library books,
the unfolded baskets of clean laundry.
And praise these signs:
A little person pressed themselves toward the sun on that window,
your family has a dynamic, expanding life,
your library does not charge you overdue fines,
there are clean clothes ready for this day.
Instead of the list in your head,
imagine this list
deleting even, as you ask yourself:
What can be ignored?
What can be delegated?
What can be paused?
What is most important, most precious?
And who can I call out to?
This list is tricking you into believing that
you can control it all, and that it all falls on you.
It doesn’t.
The same God who counts the hairs on your head
adds up all that you do.
He sees you.
May your heart know peace.
May your heart be in alignment with your creator–
the same creator who built you for this life.
May your heart soften with the reminder that
peace is one breath away.
You won’t want to, but let the list go.
Align your breath to the holy spirit, the giver of life.
And may you feel the wind carry away
your fears of not being enough.
Copyright © 2024 Lauren Nizol.
Thank you to this week’s sponsor of Mothering Spirit, Be A Heart Design, a modern Christian lifestyle brand that creates beautiful products to help both adults and children grow in faith. Check out their recently restocked Guardian Angel Quilts and Jesus Heals Bandages .