Encouragement for When You Want to Give Up on Lent
If you’ve given up on Lent,
If your best intentions have fallen short,
If you want to quit,
If you never got started
Imagine what you might say to your child…
When they’re struggling with school or work,
When they’re feeling overwhelmed,
When they want to quit something they’ve started,
When they’re angry, hungry, or tired.
Let yourself hear God’s voice
In that same gentle, loving encouragement
You offer to your child.
Lent is a long road.
We have 40 new days to start again.
Let yourself draw from the strength and wisdom
You have gained as a parent
And ask God for the grace
To start fresh tomorrow.
Find more prayers for Lent here:
Breath Prayers for Lent
Lenten Scripture for Parents
A Mother’s Prayer for Ash Wednesday
You can find our 1-Minute Retreats from Mothering Spirit on Instagram—a chance to pause and take a deep breath, and find God again, right where you are.
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