A Prayer for A School Shooting
How long?
How long.
By what we have done
And what we have failed to do,
We have our children’s blood on our hands.
Hear our cry, God of Justice.
Heal our wounds, Prince of Peace.
Help our brokenness, Spirit of Truth.
We cannot live like this.
Which is why we are dying
Every day
In streets and schools
Murdered by weapons of our own making.
Stir up the flame of righteous fury within us,
Like your prophets who shouted with the strength of your word.
Spur us to just action in your name,
Like the disciples you sent out two by two.
Let us not choose silence or stillness, denial or despair.
Not when the world is burning around us.
Not when our children are dying
Where they should be safe.
Call each of us, in our own way—
Parent or grandparent, aunt or uncle,
Godmother or godfather, neighbor or friend—
To fight for change,
To work for peace,
To build your kingdom.
Let us cling to two truths
you spoke to us time and time again:
Be not afraid.
I am with you.
Help us change the world for all children.
Help us change the world for all.
Help us change the world.
Help us change.
Help us.
Copyright © 2023 Laura Kelly Fanucci.
For more prayers & reflections after a school shooting:
Prayers for Parenting in Impossible Times