7 reasons I love the Eucharist {the feast of corpus christi}
Bodies. Blood. Bread. Brokenness. My children bring all of this into my life.
Care for their bodies takes up hours of my day: washing faces, changing diapers, giving baths. Boyhood brings bloodied knees, scraped elbows, tears and band aids and doctor’s visits. Feeding our family is nearly a full-time job in itself: planning meals, buying groceries, cooking dinner, baking bread.
And brokenness? Well, families don’t have to go far to find proof of faults and flaws and failings. We rub up against each other all day long.
The Eucharist has never felt more real than it has since I became a mother.
This is my body; take and eat; blessed and broken – almost everything I have learned about the love and sacrifice of parenting is wrapped up this sacrament at the center of my faith.
So in celebration of this Sunday’s Feast of Corpus Christi (the Body and Blood of Christ), here are 7 reasons I love the Eucharist – and 7 favorite posts to explain why…
It re-members me back into the Body of Christ: What Your Kids Taught Me About God
It helps me notice the ones that the world rejects: We Care About The Crumbs
It changes how I understand my own flesh and blood: This Is My Body, Given Up For You
It reminds me that the ordinary is holy: Diapers and Chalices
It teaches me about forgiveness and reconciliation: On Bad Moods and Breaking Bread
It trains my eyes to see with deeper imagination: Start Seeing Sacraments: Eucharist
It inspired me to write this book! Everyday Sacrament: The Messy Grace of Parenting
What do you love about communion? How has this sacrament shaped your faith?